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Saudi Entertainment and Amusement Expo Logo co-located with SLS Expo

Saudi Entertainment & Amusement (SEA) Expo
20 - 22 MAY 2025 | 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Riyadh Front Exhibition & Conference Center


Saudi Entertainment & Amusement Expo Hero

Ali Husain

Ali Husain

Founder, Husaak Adventures
Ali has had a diverse and adventurous career. Here is a summary of his journey:

Early Life and Education: Ali was born in Kuwait but has spent most of his life traveling and exploring different parts of the world. He holds both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, which suggests a strong educational background in the field of petroleum engineering.

Career in Energy Exploration: After completing his education, Ali worked in the energy exploration business for BP for a total of 11 years. He worked in Alaska and the Arctic, gaining valuable experience in the oil industry.

Return to the Arabian Peninsula: Ali decided to return to the Arabian Peninsula to continue his work in energy exploration, specifically for BP in the Arabian region. This move indicates his commitment to the energy sector.

Transition to Adventure Business: In 2016, Ali made a significant career change by leaving his prestigious role as the Petroleum Engineering Manager for one of the world's largest oil fields. He shifted his focus to an adventure business he started called "Husaak Adventures." Husaak Adventures: Ali's venture, Husaak Adventures, was founded in 2013 and aims to promote adventure tourism in the Arabian Peninsula. The company has been successful in introducing more than 250,000 individuals to various adventure experiences in Abu Dhabi, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

Regional Activator: Over time, Husaak Adventures expanded its role and became a regional activator. It works closely with government entities to develop and make the natural attractions of the Arabian Peninsula accessible and enjoyable to the public while prioritizing environmental preservation. Education Initiatives: Ali introduced the concept of the "Unconventional Classroom" and collaborates with educational institutions like KFUPM and social enterprises like Emirates Nature. This partnership aims to nurture the next generation of leaders for Arabia.

Business Growth: Husaak Adventures has grown significantly, evolving from a small adventure shop in a garage to three different businesses and eight Adventure Centers. Ali's company employs over 100 individuals and manages multiple national parks across Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi. In summary, Ali's career journey has taken him from the oil industry to adventure tourism, where he is actively involved in promoting outdoor experiences in the Arabian Peninsula, fostering education, and contributing to the development of the regional tourism industry while maintaining a commitment to environmental preservation.

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